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Originally celebrated as the ‘miracle materials’ of fireproofing and insulation, asbestos-contaminated properties are still common in any Glasgow building constructed before the year 2000. It has a marked legacy of destructive toxicity, thanks to its wide use in the construction industry until its prohibition in the UK in 1999. In Glasgow, where much of the housing stock predated the ban, the threat of asbestos hangs over us in buildings large and small. In residential properties, schools, hospitals, and industrial premises, asbestos remains present as insulation, roofing, floor tiles and pipe lagging.
The most important property that can make asbestos dangerous is its friability. Friability determines how easily asbestos will crumble or break into microscopic fibres when disturbed. If these fibres are inhaled, they have the potential to cause lung cancer, mesothelioma or asbestosis. The real horror of asbestos is that the onset of disease is delayed for 10 to 50 years after exposure. For example, someone who was exposed to asbestos 40 years ago may be developing mesothelioma or lung problems today. This is why doctors call the diseases caused by asbestos ‘latent’ diseases. If you were exposed to asbestos two or three decades ago, that latency period may be reaching its climax. Glasgow’s old infrastructure further complicates matters.
As buildings age, asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) can become damaged or disturbed through renovation, demolition, or even normal maintenance. Without proper identification and management, residents, workers or contractors may unknowingly create asbestos-contaminated dust. Making matters worse is public ignorance and complacency about asbestos. Many property owners, tenants and even construction workers underestimate how common asbestos is or fail to recognise it altogether, leading to deficient safeguards and improper removal techniques.
To address these risks in the built fabric of Glasgow’s properties, there is a need for rigid asbestos management practices, including undertaking appropriate asbestos surveys and identifying asbestos-containing materials, as well as removing it safely by licenced contractors, together with inspections and continued maintenance. Finally, an effort should be made to raise awareness among the public about how occupational and environmental exposure to asbestos leads to disease. With this kind of effort, Glasgow’s children and grandchildren will be able to proudly say of their city ‘You mean, it was ever any other way?’
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