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If asbestos-containing material is detected when conducting repairs on a building, it is a source of potential concern. Yet the important thing is to act swiftly and correctly to protect everyone’s safety. Read on to find out what to do should you come across asbestos vinyl tile at a work site, explaining what to do from the health and safety of employees and those living in the work site to adhering to regulatory requirements.
Identifying Asbestos Vinyl Tile
Once used extensively for certain types of construction, such as the durable and inexpensive asbestos vinyl tile now recognised to be a health hazard if disturbed. If you suspect any materials you come into contact with during your work might contain asbestos, it is important to:
1. Stop Work and Secure the Area If you think there might be asbestos vinyl tile, stop all work in the area. Post ‘DO NOT ENTER’ signs so nobody can go in there, and make sure nothing else is disturbed until the situation is dealt with. Time is of the essence when it comes to preventing exposure.
2. Report the Discovery Inform the person in charge of the job immediately. It doesn’t matter if you’re employed in-house or for a client; call the job superintendent. Make sure that the superintendent knows that suspected asbestos vinyl tile has been discovered, and report it to start the proper procedures.
3. Arrange for an asbestos test Have a sample of the material suspected to contain asbestos analysed by a laboratory that can determine definitively if asbestos is present. Until the analysis results confirm that there is no asbestos, assume that the material contains asbestos and act accordingly.
4. Decision Making Based on the analysis results, you have two options: If the material is non-asbestos, normal activity can be resumed but keep an eye out for further discoveries. If asbestos is found, you should determine whether you need a licensed contractor by taking a look on the flow chart below. According to the regulations, safety always comes first. Applying Controls If asbestos is confirmed or suspected, apply appropriate controls immediately, which might include: Enforced stringent safety procedures involving PPE and correct containment.
Hiring an asbestos removal contractor, where the situation requires a professional. Updating Asbestos Management Plans For an in-house project, it is recommended that your supervisor is informed of the finding and that the asbestos management plan needs updating.
And come to the site, directly. ‘Written documentation and communication is a must for regulatory requirements to be fulfilled,’
‘A workplace cannot be safe unless it is documented in writing.’
Conclusion If you find asbestos vinyl tile when you weren’t expecting it, you need to act decisively to take swift action to protect occupants. A step-by-step guide and emphasis on safety protocols and regulatory compliance will help you to handle the situation effectively and protect you and your team from unnecessary risk of asbestos exposure. When you’re dealing with asbestos, your best option is always err on the side of safety.
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